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About Mei

Everything started with a ticket Denver-Bordeaux. At 2014, after she finished her working holidays in USA. She flew to France to stay with her boyfriend (now fiancé) with a ticket from him. More than she expected, this ticket did a huge change on her. Not only she learned many photograph skills from him but also turned a little girl into a strong woman due to the life challenges in France. She's currently living in Bordeaux, France working as freelancing photographer with her fiancé. 


In this website, I will share with you guys about the things you can do in France, food made in France you would love to give it a try and several genres of music you might like to listen to! And if you are planning to move to France for studying or to starting a new life, you can find some useful information here as well. If there's something not mentioned here but you wanna know, feel free to drop me a message.  Hope you enjoy my website :)





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